As I told you before I think one of my most vivid memories of this whole business will be the awful fatigue. I was so tired I ached all over
By late morningBy late morning
By late morning there were enough places on the beach to land boats. Bates and I got back in ours and proceeded to do the routine job of beach salvage
Finally daybreak came and after eating a breakfast of canned rations (none of us had much of an appetite) we went back to blue beach to do salvage work and
By the timeBy the time
By the time the last boat was off the beach and was straightened away for home it was beginning to get dark and then came the very unwelcome word that
There was enough room…There was enough room…
There was enough room however and our boat coxswains used perfect judgement in picking their landing spots. Out poured the troops and the boats began backing off the beach. Jack
And was I scared?And was I scared?
At last the word came for us to land our troops. And was I scared? I certainly was! But there was too much to think about to worry much about
My interest was concentrated, with an intenseness I’ve never before experienced, on finding the beach areas on which we would land our troops and the control vessels that would help